Hey guys,
Todays post is going to be about what i got for christmas, because i'm not currently doing video's at the moment (if you want to know more about this see this post) but last year i made a video of what i got for christmas and i really enjoyed telling all of you what i got so i thought why not make a blog post about it?
I would first of like to say that i am not bragging about anything i got for christmas i am sooo grateful for everything i got and i love everything!
So to start off with i going to first talk about is my purse. I got this from my mum and dad, and it's from a shop near where i live but tbh i thought it was a cath kidston! It's one of the in between size of purses which is great for me because i can see all my coins and there are so many different little compartments to hold cards and in my case buss passes and things like that. As you can see it has a brown sturdy faux leather popper and on the other side it has a brown faux leather zip and on the inside it has green lining.
Next i am going to talk about my CD player that i got of farther christmas. It's from Argos i think and it is a Bush Micro Hifi with CD Player, DAB radio and Dock for IPod/IPhone. Well that's what it says on the tin! basically, it's a CD player with radio and you can plug your IPod or IPhone and play music which i so handy for me because i like to keep all my songs on my phone and i make looots of playlists of my favorite songs at that point, i have millions! As my other CD player broke and is currently sitting on my floor feeling very sorry for its self i was in need of a new one, but wasn't expecting it at all so it was a complete shock! If you are like me and like more dance and bass music, then this will be great for you like Swedish House Mafia's new album Until Now (which i also got for christmas actually) which is playing as i type. But is just as good for more i don't know how to describe it kind of country? i have no idea for example Passenger's album All the Little Lights (if you haven't heard of him then click this to listen to one of my personal favs!) Although the only problem that some people may have is that the wires for the speakers aren't very long, but that doesn't matter to me at all.
Next up is my Pandora Bracelet, which i got of my mum and dad i think? i can't remember. This is one of the few presents that i actually new i was going to get because i had to try it on and to pick a colour. This is just a plain black double weaved charm bracelet, but i'm not going to put any charms on it because personally i like it being plain. Although i might get one for it, but that will be it.
Going with the Pandora theme, next is my Pandora ring that i adoreee! It is just a thin Sterling Silver heart ring. I only wanted a thin more simple one because i like to wear more bigger and more 'out there' rings on my other hand (whichever is opposite to the hand i am wearing this ring on if you get what i mean?) i like the contrast of bold and simple. But i also think this is sometimes enough just on it's own. I wear it on either wear it on my Index, Middle or Ring finger (obviously my right hand not left hahah) This ring was a present from my brother.
Here it is again, but on my finger if you couldn't see it as well in the box.
Finally are my patent black docs. As you may know i absolutely love doc martens and i have a pair of cherry red ones, but i didn't really think that through as well because once i had purchased then, i realized that the colour cherry red doesn't really go with as many of my clothes, so for christmas this is what i asked for. I think i either got these of my mum and dad or santa, i can't remember. But if you don't mind iphone photo's then you will see a lot of outfit of the days with these in because black is such an easy colour to wear and goes with absolutely everything! Also my friend has the matte black ones so i wanted to be a bit different and get the patent ones and i just liked these more. Another thing is that i don't tie them up or use all the eyelets. I use 5/6 of them (5 on these and 6 on my cherry red ones) just because i like the way that it looks.
I hope that this has been more of a fun blog post todaaaay, i think i am getting back into the swing of blogging and i hope that you like what i'm wittering on about. I did get other things like chocolate, sweets, CD's and things like that, but i didn't want it to be too long and you get bored half way through! Also i hope you like the new header that i added just recently. Happy 2013!
-Laura. xxxxx
You got some lovely, cute things!