Tuesday, 9 August 2011

First Post! ..and New Bedroom!

Ok so this is the first post that DarlingItsVintage has done! It's really exiting... (sarcasm used) well all i wanted to say/do was really just put a post up on our blog because 1. We have had this blog for like a couple of days now and if we advertised it on our youtube channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/DarlingItsVintage?feature=mhee and there was nothing there, then it would be abit of a waste of time! and 2. I just felt like doing one plus i have just had my room decorated so i thought i would share that with you. So if you didn't know what my bedroom looked like before it was decorated then look at this video and it basically shows you the whole of my room... http://www.youtube.com/user/DarlingItsVintage?feature=mhee#p/u/4/K9VSKgrBSIU Ok so basically all i did was paint the red walls (that are at the top and bottom of my room) a very pale pink colour, Sorbet Pink to be precise, ooo look at me being all organized! And then got a duvet and matching curtains, which are a Vintage Floral print, but they cost alot! :/ But yeah, after that all i got were some cheapo cream lamp shades and i also got one of those 'Love' things that are made out of wood and painted white and basically spell out the word love! There will be a room tour explaining everything and where i got most things, because some things i already had. So thats all i wanted to say really, there will be more posts being put up soon! Hope you liked this little snippit of info about my room don't worry if you are confused there will be a video to explain everything! luvs yah!
- Laura. xxxx

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