Sunday the day of rest... Not for me I've been up since 9, oh the joys of early morning lawn mowers! Anyway as you might have guessed from the title of this blog post I need your help with a 'hair situation' of mine.
Basically my hair is brown with bits of ginger (which I get from my Mum), its very very very straight naturally and it has no volume at all! At one point I used to love my hair for being like this, as it was so easy to style and never annoyed me, but seen as my hair has grown a considerable amount over the past year, the natural hair I have seems to make me look drained or just make me look like a chipmunk (not good!!)
Because of this dilemma I always seem to be waving my hair (not all the time, but every so often because split ends will be the death of me!). So I thought you know what Jenny, why don't you just get a wavy perm? So I've been looking into wavy perms/permanent waving for the past year or so now, I can't find a decent video on YouTube or even a Blog Post, which makes it difficult to research. Although I do have a image in my mind of what I would want my hair to look like.
So anyway, why am I telling you this. Well I want to know what you think? I also wanted to write this to see if anyone has had it done and has any advice etc for me. I know this idea/style won't be to everyone's taste, but I just really want to know if you guys like the idea or think it is silly? I would really appreciate it if you left your comments down below telling me your opinions, it would be a huge help. Also don't just agree with me because you think you have too, please voice your opinions, if you don't like it then please say.
The only reason I'm considering getting a wavy perm/permanent waving is because I want a change and I also just want to wake up in the morning and not have to do anything with my curlers etc. I also sway to getting it because it would be so easy for College seen as I will have to get up at 6 every morning, ah!
Anyway here's a picture of my hair length at the moment and how I would want my hair to look like:
My hair length, it has been waved in
this picture. |
How I would like my hair, this would
be the picture I took into the hair-
dressers. |
So as you can see this is the style I would like, I just think its so nice but so simple, but you will obviously all have your own opinions on it. The only thing that really scares me about having it done is I don't want to be curly and I don't want it to take that much length of my hair seen as it is a 'perm'. But I guess I will have to discuss all that with my hair dresser.
Also (God this is a long Blog Post) I was thinking about maybe getting my hair ombred, but this I'm on the fence about because I love the way it looks on Zoella (YouTuber and Blogger) but I just don't think it would suit me the same? I have loved the ombre look for quite a while now but on other people. The only reason I haven't opted to get it is because I have really straight hair but if I got it waved it might look nice and also because my Mum doesn't really like it, which is a sort of down side. But I don't know, this probably won't happen. Please leave your opinions on this below also.
Here's a picture of how I would want my ombre hair to look like:
I know this is Zoella's picture and I probably shouldn't use it
but I just love her hair and if I got mine ombred I would like it
like this, because its not to blonde. |
Thank you for reading this long Blog Post, hope you all leave a comment down below to help me with my hair situation! See you all next Sunday.
- Jenny xxx